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Handyman Tips - Disposable Fake Paint Brushes?

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Have you ever had a repair to paint that was so small that it almost wasn't worth the time finding a paint brush, and then cleaning the brush out after? Here is a trick that can save you a lot of time, and a little money too. I call it the disposable fake paint brush. Get a paper towel or napkin, fold it a couple times, and then roll it up tightly. That's it. Fake paintbrush!

disposable fake paintbrush trick

Dip it in the paint and dab it on the repair. When you are done painting you can just throw it away. No time wasted cleaning your brush. You're done.

painting with disposable fake paintbrush

Your disposable fake paint brush is not going to hold up for very long so you can only use it on very small repairs. Dabbing works better than using strokes like you would with a brush. When you use brush strokes the paper towel comes apart and leaves little bits in your paint. Use the best paper product you have available. The blue shop paper towels work best. Napkins are usually thinner so they don't work as well but if that is all you have available then it will do.

Here is another quick painting tip - Keep your paint can clean using a rubber band

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